Generates kaleidoscopic images using the same mirror effect found on a real device. Provides customization options along with the possibility of using custom images.
With Silicon Mirror and Kaleidoscope v.3.0, you can create background tile images with a kaleidoscope effect using the Silicon Mirror, which operates just like the mirrors inside a conventional kaleidoscope that will brighten up your desktop. You can use your own images to create your kaleidoscope background, and a sample image is also available for you to experiment with when you download the program. Simply by adjusting the settings, you will be able to get the mirror effect that you want your image to have.
When you install the Silicon Mirror and Kaleidoscope on to your computer, the Silicon Kaleidoscope is filed into your Screen Saver list. To create your background kaleidoscope, you simply right click anywhere on your desktop and select "Properties" from the pop up menu, then click on the Screen Saver tab. From the list of available screen savers, click on Silicon Kaleidoscope. Next, press "Settings" to configure the Silicon Kaleidoscope, then press the "Browse" button to change the "Source Image File" that you want. Once you exit the Settings dialogue, press "Preview" to see your creation. Press OK to and Exit the Display Properties. Your kaleidoscope image will be launched after your system has been idle for the wait period specified in the Display Properties box. Images you create can be used as tiles, backgrounds, or screen savers.
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